Monday, March 20, 2006

Kill Miguel!

I've started seeing a therapist because I've got emotional problems. I kind of had a small breakdown that had been on its way for years now, but I feel like I finally have the opportunity to do something to change my life now. Because I just don't want the rest of my life to go on like this. My therapist says that I am my own worst enemy because I am so hard on myself. She's urging me to break out of the continuous cycle of beating myself up over EVERYTHING. (on a completely unrelated subject, I must remember to in ten years time do two things: Jump out of an airoplane with my Dad with Parachutes and meet my friend Peter on St. Patrick's Day in Prague in 2016. And now back to our regular programming.)

I've decided to recommend an idea to the writers of a soap opera. I don't really call myself a soap opera enthusiast, but I do admit to watching them. I'm a drama queen and I have studied a little but about soap operas doing visual communication. My interest is purely academic, I swear! The one I'm interested in writing to is Passions, I think on Fox or something. I'm in South Africa, so I'm a bit behind on the series, by maybe three years.

At the moment there is the beginning of a love triangle between Charity, Miguel and Kaye. This love triangle is like one of those typical soap opera ones that lasts years and years and never stops unless one of the two opposing members leaves town or dies. General Soapie story line. I've however, considered the case of Passions and have decided that the best thing they can do for that love triangle is to Kill off Miguel! That would make the rivalry between cousins Charity and Kaye obsolete. They would be brought together in mourning for him, they would each eventually move on with their lives, become completely different people but always having that bond, each find love somewhere else and become stronger. Now of course that would give the writers to bring Miguel back in a couple of years in the classic: I'm not really dead, this is what actually happened, but now I'm back.
They don't have to do this, however. They could simply kill Miguel and be the first (I assume) to ever kill off the object to the love triangle. Wouldn’t that make for compelling T.V.? Also, it would be great if Passions would do it, because Passions is a satire on all soaps. It constantly pokes fun at soaps in general by being such a soap as well. I think it would suit them and would do great things for them. It would be as big as the “Marlena is possessed by the devil” story line. As a fan of their craft, I really think that this would be a wise decision.

Another thing that I'd like to mention, is that I have discovered music that I have always been aware of, but never really devoted time to. In the spirit of taking time to devote myself to something that I've always wanted to but never had time for, I have acquired appreciation for the following: The Doors; Dire Straights; Rodriguez; Led Zeppelin, Leonard Cohan; Johny Cash and the like. I suppose it is because I am an 80's baby that I love this music so much. Its so mellow and chilled, yet groovey and moody. And epic. Like Jimmi Hendrix is a god who draws you into his world and make you listen to what he has to say.

This is my flatmate Jansie. This was taken on a day when I'm sure we were overdoing the celebrations, so she hates this picture. Why do I use it then? Simple, I'm passive agressive and this is payback. I'm so kidding. I think its a cool photo. When asked who she would most likely want to meet, Jansie said Margaret Mead. I really should get me an autobiography of Margaret Mead. If you are looking for a female role-model, she is one of those women that you will want to consider. She is, I think, the first female anthropologist and was apparently quite the wildcat. Yeah for strong women! (Totally unrelated note:) now that Stuart Townsend is a free man again, I'm sure that I will be forgiven for just saying: Stu, welcome to the land of possibility you hot boy! We LOVE you!


Anonymous said...

finally got around to reading the rest of tha post. Well-written as always. All these souls with a knick-knack for writing, what are we gonna do about it? At least you are entering the world of books via the career road. A dessert recipe book is a bit bland for my taste, even with cherries on top. Maybe I should go on a pilgrimage and find my inspiration. Make a promise, break a pact, what was it again?

Let us know how the sessions go. Even though I'm very anti-therapy, I hope it helps. If not, you've always got your friends to fall back on.

Anonymous said...

hey miss chesire kitten, you'll grow to blossom.
just be patient, as patience means progress.

partieweirdo said...

Aw you guys!

Make a promise, brake a pact, wager it all. Or something like that. You're supposed to gamble EVERYTHING on the thing you believe in, never doubting for a moment that you are right. Belief. That's all it takes.