Monday, April 23, 2007

Don't really know what to make of this..

Global Personality Test Results
Stability (33%) moderately low which suggests you are worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.
Orderliness (46%) medium which suggests you are moderately organized, hard working, and reliable while still remaining flexible, efficient, and fun.
Extraversion (73%) high which suggests you are overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense too often of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
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Freudian Inventory Results
Oral (53%) you appear to have a good balance of independence and interdependence knowing when to accept help and when to do things on your own.
Anal (46%) you appear to have a good balance of self control and spontaneity, order and chaos, variety and selectivity.
Phallic (56%) you appear to have a good balance of sexual awareness and sexual composure.
Latency (43%) you appear to have a good balance of abstract knowledge seeking and practicality, dealing with real world responsibilities while still cultivating your abstract and creative faculties and interests.
Genital (56%) you appear to be somewhere between a progressive/openminded and regressive/closeminded outlook on life.
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Locus of Control Test Results
Internal Locus (36%) Individual believes that their life is defined more by their decisions and internal drive.
External Locus (64%) Individual believes that their life is defined more by genetics, environment, fate, or other external factors.
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Personality Disorder Test Results
Paranoid |||||||||||||||| 66%
Schizoid |||||||||||||| 54%
Schizotypal |||||||||||||||||| 74%
Antisocial |||||||||||| 46%
Borderline |||||||||||||||||| 74%
Histrionic |||||||||||||||| 66%
Narcissistic |||||||||||||| 54%
Avoidant |||||||||||| 50%
Dependent |||||||||||| 42%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||||| 62%
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Indie Personality Test Results
59% Indie
Scoring highly suggests you are likely to be very liberal, independent minded, self identify as an outsider, shun materialism and popular culture, and have an aversion to organized religion. While high scorers are more intellectual than average, they are probably more artistically astute than intellectually avante guard (i.e. they are more likely to know of new interesting new bands/artists/writers than the best way to extract energy from a hydrogen atom. Low scorers, will generally tend towards the opposite of the above. They will tend to be more materialistic, conservative, corporate friendly, social and are more likely to be religious.
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Cerebral Personality Test Results
56% Cerebral
Scoring highly suggests you are likely to be very inquisitive, exploring, scientific, contemplative, self-examining, and philosophical. Low scorers, will generally tend towards the opposite of the above. They will tend to be more conventional, less curious and analytical, less focused on the big picture / global variables, and more comfortable identifying as part of maintream culture.
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Career Inventory Test Results

Extroversion ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Emotional Stability |||||||||||| 40%
Orderliness ||||||||||||||| 50%
Altruism |||||||||||||||||| 56%
Inquisitiveness |||||||||||||||||| 60%

You are an Inspirer, possible professions include - conference planner, speech pathologist, HR development trainer, ombudsman, clergy, journalist, newscaster, career counselor, housing director, character actor, marketing consultant, musician/composer, artist, information-graphics designer, human resource manager, merchandise planner, advertising account manager, dietitian/nutritionist, speech pathologist, massage therapist, editor/art director.
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Lessons learned, experience gained.

What a weekend its been. I had a really tough time.. nothing that in the end , could not be handled though.
The production went really well. There was a hick-up here and there, but on the whole, it went rather smoothly. We had a wonderful team, who each excel in what they do. People enjoyed the shoe very much and had some interesting suggestions for next time. And yes, there will be a next time.
The Gallery also went really well - it looked amazing thanks to Harry for the wonderful job that he did there and the artists who are intimidatingly talented.
There was a situation, where a lot of money was missing, and I was frantically running around trying to find it, hoping against all odds that was not stolen, but realizing that that was probably what had happened. I was so freaked out - i don't have money to replace the missing money!!! So, there I was, running around like a crazy, when I get a call that the money had been found - that my Cosmic Cousin had had it all along, for safe keeping. I was so relieved, but still very freaked out. Running back to front of house, I hugged my CC and looked in the box.
The money was gone! It turns out that someone's Dad decided to pull a stupid prank on us: he hid it to make us think that the money was really gone this time. They let us go on freaking out for 20mins before they came clean about it, and I didn't think it was so very funny. In fact, I thought it was seriously fucked-up and cruel! When I thought that the money had really disappeared, I aged 10 years right there., on the spot. I wouldn't be surprised to find gray hairs on my head after this...
I am actually still in shock. i don't think I will ever speak to this persons' Dad again. He is an adult and Psychologist. He should have had better judgment!

Anyway, were that the only thing that flipped out, it would still have been fine.
My first catalogue/programme publication was a tragedy. I blame bad planning.
And yes, it was all my fault. I neglected to start the process early enough to hound people for content and for me to have enough time to check the proofs when it came back from the designer/printer. As it was, I received the finished catalogues 20mins before the show.
The result was that there were a lot of type-o's, and important information was cut out. I was so upset over that. It was my fault for not checking - I'm a bad publisher- but to be fair, it was my first time. And the type-o's were sooooooooooooo funny. I'll never live that down!
I decided that rather than freaking out about something that is too late to change now, I am just going to accept it and take the lessons I have learned with me. It's done. There are only a few of them anyway, so they are collectors items now.
One day, when I am rich, famous and a lot more powerful, those first publications are going to be worth a lot of money. And they look amazing - at least they're real pretty!
If you want a limited edition first Queen Ree publication that can be used to make fun of me in the future, we still have some left. It's really funny!

As i've already said, I have learned a lot about this sort of thing and as an incredibly wise person told me: there are no such things as flops, as long as you can learn something from them.

I am going to need a break before I can do the next one.... I just need to catch my breath!

Friday, April 20, 2007

I am Superwoman in training!

I am so excited! I am now OFFICIALLY a Publisher. I have just completed my first publication (our limited edition Gallery of Distorted Art catalogue/programme) and it looks.. in a word.. AMAZING! I am floating on air with joy! The print-run is only 100 copies, but the point is that I now get to call myself a Publisher with pride - no longer do I have an empty Publication portfolio! YEAH!!!

Ofcourse, I had an amazing team behind me, so Guys and girl, YOU ROCK!!!
How fortunate I was to have met such amazing people who are so dedicated to art.

Speaking of art, here's an interesting bit of an article!

And now for something completely different: Halloween 2006 with Pandemonia, Misty and OhKyle!

To everyone who can make it to my Exhibition/Show, it's gonna blow your mind! Do enjoy!
Thanks to Queen Shakira (Queen Lestat) for blatantly spamming everyone about the show, and also to everyone else who did the same. I love you all forever!


The Queen.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Easter Madness

As I boarded the bright Orange airplane that was to carry me home to Ballito, I reflected fondly on the many memories that I’ve already made there:

Christmas on the sundeck – Christmas after party in the hot tub; every party I’ve ever attended at my uncle’s house; girls night with my mom, cousin and aunt; almost drowning with Harry - two Easters ago; New Years beach parties that inevitably get too rough even for me; Moonlit nights on the beach with someone special – dreaming about what the future holds; sitting on a rock – staring at the Ocean – daring Her to come get me if she had the guts! Maybe that was a mistake. Especially since Ballito is right in the proverbial line of fire. Global warming is a bitch. After seeing the beaches post-springtide, I am more convinced than ever that too much harm has already been done.

All the memories on those beaches, and now I can’t event really gain access to them any more – you get fined for attempting it.

I remember a weird thing. Several years ago, I was living in Germany, and met a young British soldier named Danny. Danny and I took an almost instant liking to each other. I was all alone in a strange country, far far away from home and could not yet utter a recognisable word in German, nor could I understand anyone around me. English is not big there. That’s how I ended up meeting Danny. The soldiers were English and I needed friends. He and his friends teased me because my Post-Colonial South African English was much better than their British mumblings. Go figure. We started going out and for a couple of weeks it was bliss. I had never really had a boyfriend before – and not really since then (too full of shit).

Too make a long story short, it all ended rather abruptly. I had just been placed in another city and had to leave the next day. I went to look for Danny, to say goodbye. When we parted… I promised to write – and I did – but never mailed the letters. I kept them in a drawer and eventually tore them up and threw them away. I went on with my life and embraced it fully. I never heard from him again. I guess he might have been sent to Afghanistan or Iraq or someplace like that. Maybe he never returned.. Who knows? I don’t even remember what he looked like. I just remember his name.

Memory is like that. We hear a song, catch a whiff of a familiar smell or touch something that brings back a flood of memories. Sometimes memories just jump into your head randomly, and you have no idea what had just happened. I hope that I will be given a chance to make new memories in Ballito – ones that are just as extra-ordinary as the ones that the Indian Ocean had tried to wash away. I’m certain there will be many more moonlit nights. I also hope that I will get to know that feeling again. The one where someone adores me and tells me that they need only me in order to be really happy. Someone who can read my thoughts, who will know my true feelings without me having to say a single word, someone who will know all of these things immediately, just by noting the expression on my face. I can’t have blown my only shot yet; I was too young, ignorant and proud to truly appreciate it for what it was. There has got to be more of that on the way. More moonlit nights, more hand-holding, more passionate kissing, more knowing glances, more teasing, more drinking wine on the beach and dreaming about tomorrow. I hope to God that there is a tomorrow for all of these things to happen in. And I hope that wherever ghostly Danny is, that he is happy. Ok, that’s enough of that yucky love stuff!

I adore the East Coast. It is breathtakingly beautiful. It’s got the unruly and vicious yet disarmingly stunning ocean, the magnificent grass ocean; the hills; the swamps; the jungles; the soft, white sands; the cooling, fragrant breeze; the easy going nature of the people; the sunsets; driving in a car sightseeing; discovering new pieces of paradise; sunsets and perhaps even the sunrises (I must confess that I am rarely awake to see the sunrise) and the open-air.

So I decide to disregard the vicious assault that the Ocean had made on my home town and to embrace it anyway. I decide to go in search of an open beach, just to wet my feet. (You’ve gotta wet your feet, right?)

So off I go to wet my feet, find the only remaining “open to the public” beach and arrogantly stepped out of my shoes to (say it with me) wet my feet. Man, I had not been standing there for more than 3 seconds, when this huge mother of a wave comes along, sweeps me off my feet and tumbles me around a couple of times. Picture me, feet in the air, skirt up to my shoulders, stumbling around, trying to get a foot hold.

I nearly died laughing at the amazing irony. It was then that I realised that I had had my bag around me and that said bag was now a fishbowl. Yup, with my brand new Samsung D900 floating merrily inside. Goodbey D900! It’s been a hell of a 2 weeks!

I suppose it was my arrogance that did it. Please some one, remind me to tell you all the story about ‘The Ocean and I’ one day. It’s quite a good story. I guess that things like this happen to bring us back down to Earth, before it gets out of hand. Clearly, I was not ready for yuppy-scumhood.

The rest of the holiday, I spent driving in a car with a boy, sightseeing and enjoying the natural splendor that is Ballito, running to the shops, attempting to watch anime and listening to music. And sleeping. Sleeping soundly, like a baby! Oh Bliss!

By the time that I got back onto the Orange airplane and Mango Experienced my way back to Jozi, I was so incredibly relaxed as I haven’t been in years. Also… kinda sad to leave… Reluctant to leave Paradise behind….

When I reached Joburg, I met my Cosmic Cousin Mel D and we went to this function in Melrose Arch where I made eye contact with the SUPER FABULOUS Deon Chang! Wheeeeee!

Then we went out for a lovely dinner and went home after listening to some fine tunes. It was wonderful to be home again, even though I already miss everyone down at the coast. All that’s left now is to go back to the normal everyday work and play of, what I affectionately refer to as, my crazy life. Never a dull moment.

And hey! I’ve got an exhibition to plan and host, so I’d better get to work!