Sunday, March 05, 2006

Anyone got sum Ginko Biloba?

Oi! I was trying to login on my Varsity email, but I have forgotten my password. Damn this stoner memory! What a time to forget it! I have so much work to do and need to get on the website asap. Because of my slight problem with confronting my life, I've gotten so behind in Varsity and now have to do a project without a group to do it in. It's ok, its just 2500 words on Database and multimedia CD-ROM evaluation. How do I get myself into these situations?

I've decided to stop 'not waiting' for the phonecall. I've clearly misinterpretted what he was saying, since too much time has already gone by. I don't think he will ever call. I refuse to mope about it, I refuse to let this get in the way of achieving my goals, which includes passing this damn project thing. I'll just have to find a way to move on with my life. I don't think I'm doing too badly. I've quit smoking and drinking for not-Lent.

Peace be da journey!

1 comment:

Cacophony said...

ah the joys of studying. hope it goes well.

as for the phonecall. he's an a-hole for not calling, even if only to say hello.