Thursday, March 09, 2006

there aren't enough sheep to count...

So, no sleeping for me again. Well, I had about two hours, so I didn't feel entirely like crap this morning. Let me tell you about my week. Tuesday, ofcourse I didn't have any sleep, I went to class and this dude, a guest lecturer, does a demonstrasion in which he commences to braai (to fry/barbeque) meat in class to illustrate some demonic concept of inspirational leadership. Whatever that has to do with meat! I don't get it, I'm a vegetarian. I haven't eaten meat for years and years and the very smell thereof makes me so nauseous that I was about to throw up all over the little girls in the row in front of me. Instead, and I'm sure they were very grateful, I slammed my folder shut and promptly left class. I have never done anything like that before because I consider it unforgivable rude, but I had to. It was an emergency. Ignorant Pratt! I realise that in South Africa, not eating meat is an outrageous sin, but give me a freaking break! That smell was so terrible. Anyway, so the next day, I show up for a test that I expected to write, where upon I was informed that the test had been the day before. Mercury you Feind! I am such a freaking bone-head! Why can't I just get the simplest thing right? I live according to a strict schedule, but the only thing I seem to be able to remember is when Passions and Six Feet Under is on. I was so convinced that I had the correct date. Dandelion said that the same thing used to happen to her all the time, which really made me feel better. She's so much smarter than me, I feel like less of a bone-head. So then, I run into my friend Steve, whom I expect to comfort me after the missed test business, but NO! He's having a bad week. Now, I realise that he was probably not in the best of moods, but you know what Steve? I've also had a bad week, but you don't see me taking it out on EVERYONE I HAPPEN TO MAKE EYE-CONTACT WITH! He's apparantly pissed at me for something I had said on Tuesday, that not only had nothing to do with him, it was such an utter nothing that was said in a moment of irritation. I didn't even mean it! And it really is such a little nothing, but he is SERIOUSLY mad at me. Of all the childish things, I am so dissappointed in him. Then again, 23 year old boys are like 19 year old girls. Immature yet arrogant and anal. Oh, well. So, last night I couldn't sleep again, so I phoned Lu and told her that I couldn't sleep for the following reasons: I was thinking about my past, present and future; who I had become; who I used to be; Who I wanted to be; strengths and weaknesses; my lack of a love life, the fact that I couln't sleep yet again, etc. She is always awake when I need her, another insomiac. She said that I use my headspace very productively. I said that it's more obsessiveness than productivity. She said that obsession can inspire and that obsession is over-focussed inspiration. I like that. It puts a positive spin on it. I'm all convinced of the power of positive thinking. I know I'm having such a crappy week, but there is no denying the fact that a positive outlook on life attracts positive things to you. Hopefully we are going to the Drumming Circle this weekend, it will make everything alright again.

This is a picture of Lu which she will most likely kill me for. I think she looks great, considering what we got up to that night.

And there's Dandelion, who would look gorgeous draped in a garbage bag.
Just to be fair (and I'm all about fairness) here is a picture of me, looking a bit worse for wear on a similar night, at the Drumming Circle a couple of months before, with Dandelion. I love it so much! I remember once when we went, it started raining fiercely and there was an electrical storm. Nature was so alive then! The drumming along with the thunder and lightning was awesome and later we danced in the rain. I love being a hippie! By the way, I haven't smoked or had a drink in over a week now. YEAH for abstinance!


Cacophony said...

sorry about your test, and damn the bloody geek for not considering other people.

hope your week gets better. as for the insomnia thing. try camomile tea. it helps.

by the way, keep the 20th open pleaaaaaase.

partieweirdo said...

Let me guess, it's your 'I'm leaving Ree and all my other loved ones' party. Ofcourse the day and night belongs to you my love! Mwah!

sojourner incognito said...

hah, you look lekker tranced out in the drumming picture. .

by the by.. where the hell did you get that picture of me? Am I wearing a yellow tie made from plastic? The memory is there, but I can't put my finger on it.. Please help out my bicarbonated brain?

20th is one week and counting

partieweirdo said...

I think it was on my birthday last year. But lets be honest, those days just kindof melt into eachother, how am I supposed to know what day it was. July?

partieweirdo said...

Yes, I believe that is a yellow tie made from plastic. What were you thinking? Seriously, I love that picture.