Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Good news for once.

Hey there fans of Ree.
I know I've been neglecting you for a while, but the good news is that I HAVE FOUND A JOB!!!
Starting Dec 1st, I am going to be a working woman, stumbling on her way to the top, but definately on her way there.

Tune in next time, for a more detailed update.



momo said...

yippeee! the voice of ree-son triumphs A----gain! Sien jou die naweek, baby!

Anonymous said...

welcome to the world of the working. it might not be glamorous or fun even, but there is something magic about it. congrats. mwahahahaha

Anonymous said...

what is it that you are going to do at your first job?

partieweirdo said...

I am apparantly to be a Language Specialist, they tell me.