Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I've had it with men.
I might have mentioned a certain individual I like to call Freaky Underwear Dude before. He is this old fat guy who always smokes a cigarette in his underwear at night, watching us very intently though our window. Well, my story starts on Friday night, when my flatmate and I arrived home after a Christmas party. My neighbor comes up to us and tell us a horrifying tale, in which she caught FUD coming out of our flat, locking the door behind him, noticing her and running away like someone who know he has just been busted. Apparently he had family who had lived in our flat before and that was how he came to possess a key to our flat. He had clearly let himself in for whatever reason, probably sniffing my underwear or something dodgy. I remembered that I had once come around the corner towards my door and saw him running in the opposite direction. I thought he was just shy and was trying to avoid me. Since he was only wearing underwear at the time, I was glad for his choice, but now I think I might have almost caught him going into our flat. My flatmate also told me of a night when she woke up as some one was entering her room and when they saw her, they closed the door quickly and left. She thought it was me, looking for something, but I explained that I had not been home. We figured that she had probably just dreamed it, but now I think that he must have thought that no one was home and just let himself in!
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingWhat if he watches us while we sleep? What if he did sniff my underwear? What if he is dangerous? We've noticed as well that two knives had gone missing since we moved in. Now, this could be entirely unrelated, but our kitchen in spotless and everything is in its place. I have no idea where those knives went and we have never seen them again. I am however willing to bet that if we went through his stuff, we would find them. I've never believed in co-incidences. I've even convinced myself that I was losing it, because sometimes I would come home and would feel a presence there that didn't belong there. Then I would go through the house just to convince myself that I am alone.
So anyway, the locks have been changed and I told the Trustees about it. I doubt they are going to do anything, though. At least he can't get in anymore...
Then, on Saturday we go to this party on a meat farm. Now what, you are probably asking yourself, is she doing on a meat farm?
Well, it wasn't my idea, but I decided to be open-minded. And you can probably guess how much I freaked out after a while of telling myself that it's going to be ok. I was surrounded by semi-naked jocks who had no respect for women, ate meat and drank the whole time, so much so that a friend of mine got attacked. There were one or two nice guys there, but on the whole, it was a nightmare. I'm so glad that we escaped relatively unscathed and that I had friends there. It might have ended badly. Also. I've got a big mouth and was very outspoken about my views.. I could have gotten into really big trouble. Why is EVERYTHING about sex with men? Can't you just have a normal conversation with them without them objectifying you blatantly?
Maybe I should become a lesbian. I know that there are some really good guys out there, but they are mostly unavailable, gay or emotionally unavailable. Is there any hope for our society when its male members a degrading like this? Has it always been like this? Is testosterone too dangerous to allow its existence any longer?


Anonymous said...

Hey, I was thinking the same. Let's lesbianing!
No, actually it's cause I've developed an unhealthy fascination with rainbows (thank you, Japan) and someone said "if you were in America, everyone would assume you're gay")
Same goes for Cape Town. And Melville.

Which reminds me of a night with a bunch of foreigners drinking the time away. I walked past T (a girl), who'd just been making out with some gay dude (long story), and as a joke that she understood, I walked past her and said, "Hey, wanna make out?"

We both had a giggle and I started walking down the stairs, much to the dismay of this jock dude who looked traumatised, saying: "No, weren't you serious? Come back! I'm sure you weren't just joking.."

So, yeah. Let's generalise and say with dudes it's all about sex.

rah* said...

OMG Ree,creepy man, creepy ,creepy CREEPY man, move!!! :)