Friday, January 12, 2007

Feelin Lucky

I feel ree-borne. I guess it is partly to do with the book I am reading (courtesy of Dandilion) Princess by Jean Sasson - the true story of life inside Saudi Arabia's royal family.
I don't think I have ever been so truly aware of how incredably fortunate I am to be a western woman. The freedom that I have always taken for granted, along with the many opportunities and comforts I am given, is a whole world apart from that of the lives of so many others.
I speak often of hating myself for being so ungrateful, but it had never truly sunk in how grateful I really should be. Here I am - a free, independent thinking and living Varsity near graduate (a mere 0.whatever of South Africans fortunate enough to have had a Tertiary education), with no handicap save my own weaknesses (that can easily be overcome with the right mindset) and friends and family who love me unconditionally.
What do I have to be sad about?

So, I have decided (and I can only imagine how many of you are sighing in relief at the very mention thereof) to quit complaining and start enjoying my life, appreciating every fortunate moment of it. I came to this conclusion last night as the rain was singing me to sleep. I had nearly cried myself to sleep, because I had just watched Brokedown Palace - the movie about the two girls who are tricked into being Mules and are thrown into a Thai prison. Very good film.
Very sad and very terrifying. I really should thank my lucky stars!

Here's to New Beginnings!

oooooooooo! PS. I did 14 laps the other day in the pool! and today I'm going to go for 16!


Anonymous said...

I am doing the Go Queen Ree dance!
yeah, it's rockin baby.

partieweirdo said...

Is it a mix between the 'We're getting Frozen Yogurt' dance and the 'We're about to watch The O.C.' dance? That's sort of how I envision it...