Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I see trees of green.....

What are we doing to this world?

In Brazil they have started to use sugar cane fuel in order to 'be kinder to the environment'.
Now this seems like a wonderful idea at first, because fossil fuel is very harmful to the environment and is going run out anyway.
The problem comes in that now there is a demand for sugar cane fuel, the amazon rain forest is being demolished and burnt down in order to fill the demand.
Doesn't that sort of defeat the purpose?
Don't they realise that they are only making things worse?
When is the human race going to learn that we are responsible for this devastation of our beautiful planet? When it's too late, that's when. In that way, we shall return to the nothing form whence we came, and it all will be lost.
I accept that there needs to be balance. I accept that the cycle of life and death has to complete itself , but why am I hearing more and more excuses and half-brain solutions than alternatives or real, sustainable solutions.
The earth is at war with us, its parasites.
Storms are getting worse!

1 comment:

Moe said...

Hey Partieweirdo. I don't know if you are a fortune teller, but yeah the storms did get worse after this post! :-)

As for Alternative Energy. This is a topic very close to my heart. Curious but why would they burn down the forest for Sugar Cane? Anyway even in South Africa we are looking at Bio-fuels and the results to be honest are not great. In this regard I am yet to see something that convinces me of pure re-use-able "clean" energy. In the mean time however we need to as the human race become more conscious of Energy and wasting it. Currently it may not cost a lot to leave your lights on at night or when not in use, its wastage and honestly we cant afford to waste.

Just read a killer article on CO2 gases in Siberia, that will bring any Greenhouse future scenario's 20years forward!

Sorry for long comment but very interested in this topic. If you keen we should chat about it.