Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Will I need a red cape for this?

Last night I went for my second yoga class and stretched in ways that I have never stretched before. I really surprised myself – who knew that I could do even half of those poses! When I went home I felt so powerful, like a super hero, which is probably why I had that dream..

We (shall remain anonymous) were all at Rustlers for some reason, but these bad guys from the future were there to stop something that happens in the future from happening.

Other people were there from the future as well, a guy and a girl, who said that they were here to stop the bad guys from stopping the said thing from happening. (I realise I am being terribly vague, I don’t really remember it all that well).

Anyway, so it turns out I am some sort of superhero and that the baddies wanted to stop me from being borne, only they had come to the wrong time/space. Their contingency plan was to stop me from getting my powers, which was said to happen any moment now.

They rounded all my friends up and where about to kill them, when I fell down the mountain that I was watching them from, grabbing on to a rope, swinging around, trying not to die.

As time passes in super slow motion, I get struck by lightning while dangling and reach the baddies just in time (presumably before they kill someone) and kick the main baddie in the head. Head goes flying. My eyes now do this sort of quicksilver/lightning thing and I can fly!

The goodies turn out to be my children from the future and while they refuse to give me any details, they say that something is going to happen in the future that involves me – I am the only one who can make a difference.

So much for that though… Hopefully I get to destroy Mercury! I wish I could remember more detail – could make a nice story!

Anyway, so I guess the Yoga left me feeling pretty empowered. Now if only I could learn to use my significant new powers for good instead of evil…


Anonymous said...

I think that you were sent a powerful message. Interesting, the same thing (not a dream) happened to me yesterday. Messages sent.

Anonymous said...

and thank you for the encouragement on my blog with my schooling! I need it!

Unknown said...

Yeah I could use a black outfit about now, along with some idiotic good guys to destroy. I don't know but the saving the world just doesn't appeal. Not when I can oppress the masses and become an evil mistress of conquest with many many multitudes of minions.

*Sigh* Thanks for the shout Ree. I'll give you a call sometime this weekend and we can play catch up. Let me know when is good.

Anonymous said...

I prefer to do yoga in my sleep, less stress that way. Surprisingly relaxing.

Unknown said...

What am I supposed to do if you destroy Mercury - its my ruling planet?

partieweirdo said...

well, i suppose you should take that up with management!