Friday, September 01, 2006

Grrr Argh!

Hey hey hey!

Happy Spring day everybody!

Oh, and also, Queen Lestat informs me that it was World Blog day on Wednesday, so Happy blogging to all!

The play opened last night and was a roaring success, I can't wait for tonight, which will be even better!

I've been rehearsed at a relentless pace. While this means that I don't really have a life at the moment, it ensures that we are all so over-rehearsed that we could do it in our sleep.
My little one-liner has turned into quite a cameo and I really really love my character. I've always wanted to be a vampire. Except for the whole 'no daylight' thing and the blood thing, it must be super cool. Anne Rice (the godess) has romanticised it so much that I would really love to live forever. Although, I really like the idea of an after-life... The sunlight allergy I could do without... Maybe I'll leave the Vampiring to those truly committed to it. I would just be a source of great controversy as a vampire, informing every one constantly that humans are people too and that we shouldn't drink their blood.

I went to the most beautiful wedding the other day. Three years ago, I was the chairperson of The Inklings, the Literacry society on campus. That year, we hosted the Spring ball and that is where J & A first met. (I take full credit for that!) Soon after they got together, I had a dream of their children and ofcourse told them about it. Three years later, I'm sitting in a beautiful chapel, watching them exchange vows and crying my big green eyes out because I'm so overwhelmed by the amasingness of it all. I've never seen two people so much inlove and more perfect for one another. Deep down, underneath all the bullshit, I'm just a big old softy. If I ever get married, it will be for the same reasons. Why go through with it if you can have unwavering devotion and ever expanding Loving!

I'll probably be the last one to marry of my current group of friends, if I ever do. I'm holding out for a hero. In the meantime, I'm taking one day at a time, enjoying what is left of my youth and basking in the glow of my own amazingness. Just kidding. I am convinced however, that there is no reason to bother if there can't be lots of passion!


Anonymous said...

Oh, I might give you a run for your money with the last one thing.. too many other things to do first. I suspect that I've been bitten by the travel bug. Goodbye any hopes of stability!

Cacophony said...

hey, you guys are going to have grandkids and i'll still be bachelor number freaking one.

Anonymous said...

say hi to bachelorette nr 4! nee girly your def not gonna be the last. im still going strong at being single & loving it! settle down? me? no ways! just imagine all the fun all us singletons can have while others have to deal with couple-trouble! viva la one!

rock on!

partieweirdo said...

Yeah! We could start our own single club! We could gorw old together!

partieweirdo said...

I mean Grow.