Monday, February 06, 2006

You're in for a treat!

Well, as this is my very first entry, I was going to make sure it was all profound and inspirational and stuff. I wanted it to be a platform for all the little crazies crawling around in my brain, but now that I'm sitting here, I just don't know what to say. I am convinced that I don't want to turn this into a chapter of my journal, which is filled with all sorts of interesting tidbits from my life as well as secret thoughts and plenty of fears and lots of complaining. But I'm not going to do that. Let me rather start this way:
Hello! I am Queen Ree, the party weirdo. I believe that the only thing to fear, is fear itself. But what a giant Boogieman did fear turn out to be? I don't want these feelings, I don't want to be afraid to live and to love and to talk to people and to be on my own and of the dark. I am afraid of being frightened and that Fear will dibillitate me so much that I never DO anything! I want adventure and freedom! I want to be absolutely FEARLESS!!!

Ok, so enough of that. This is called a quarter-life crises and I'm just gonna have to get over it.
Well, I have to say, what a marvellous first chapter! I'm serious, this is the kind of stuff they make movies about: a couragrous young herionne, conflicted about her own identity, staring the monsters in the face whilst declaring loudly and bravely and fearlessly THIS HAS REALLY TURNED OUT TO BE EXACTLY THE KIND OF THING THAT I WANTED TO AVOID! I mean, if it starts this way, the tone will be the same for the rest of our little adventure. So fine, I'm all exposed now. I'm a raving lunatic and now everone will know it! Thank goodness I haven't used my real name, the embarrasment would be unbarable! No, not really, I don't really care. HERE I GO A-FREAKING-GAIN! I'm gonna go now, but I want to sign off with these parting words of Ree wisdom: (Actually, its not mine, I borrowed this one, but pop in again for some fabulous Ree-isms.)

Find out who you are and do it on purpose!


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