Friday, October 13, 2006

More crazy talk.

If you actively search for happiness, you only succeed in making yourself miserable. Take me - I obsess about everything every single moment of every single day. Mostly on what is wrong with me. It's like I get some sort of sick pleassure from torchuring myself. I imagine things that aren't real and I make up scenarios and fall for them hook, line and sinker. I'm convinced one moment and lost the next. It never stops. I don't know whether I'm coming or going and all this because I so desperately want to be happy. But you can't rely on other people to make you happy. As the Queen of new beginnings, I know that mine coincide with the phases of the moon. You might ask yourself: How many times can a person ree-invent herself (yet not change a bit) and keep going?
I've learned that it is ok to make mistakes. We learn from those mistakes. Happines, whatever that is, can come look for me for a change. I'm a girl on a mission and I'm done mesing around with things that do not matter and that are beyond the power of my will.
On an entirely unrelated matter, I heard the prettiest thing:
'Love is friendship on fire'.
I love that!

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