Monday, October 02, 2006

Summer fun and a long and lonesome road.

Summer here and there's colour all around! Yeah! I love flowers! Orange, purple, red, yellow, not to mention all the green around.
Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination. A Fellow by the name of Ray Goodman said that. Yeah for sugar packet wisdom!
What is the point of happiness if you have to postpone it for the future? We're alive NOW, right? This is not a dress-rehearsal, this is it! Right now is all we can be sure of.
There are certain things for which I'm willing to wait, like a family and marriage.
I can live a very happy life without those things, but I come from a very loving family and would love to have one myself - eventually. Maybe in 10 years. While waiting for that, I plan on keeping my options open, enjoying life and having a chance for happiness within myself, RIGHT NOW!

One word from a prince that lives in a land far far away and I'll be more that willing to reserve his place, but until the words are spoken, I have to assume that that is never going to happen. I have to look out for me, since nobody else can or will. I've got a Queendom to take care of, after all. Still, one word...
Whatever, the point is that I refuse to traumatise myself by pretending to know anything about destiny and how it works. I'm just along for the ride. a hitch-hiker on the journey. I'm getting ready to face my destiny, whatever it turns out to be. Maybe its already here. Maybe we make our own destinies. If that's the case, I already know what I want to happen. Now to convince others....


Anonymous said...


Two night ago, I wrote a keitai mail to a dude in Hiroshima, once from Springs, where they lower suspension and drink meths for breakfast.

I told him that we're heading on a four-day trip, with nowhere to sleep, and no mode of transport. And then I added that it's all about the journey, not the destination, raait.. and added Thank goodness for sugar-packet wisdom.

I think that's strange. Don't you?

Anonymous said...

I'm like you about destiny...those movies make my brain hurt. And then there are the time-travel ones that are just trashy sci-fi ways of dealing with the same thing. These movies pretend to be dealing out wisdom when all they do is keep us cross-eyed long enough to suck us dry.

Long live sugar-packet wisdom. Much cheaper. Also, prefer rolling eyes to being cross-eyed.

Anonymous said...

I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?